Bio-Morpheme and the Cycle of Water Use
Project creators
Jadwiga Stochel-Cyunel
Nominator Degree Program
Jadwiga Stochel-Cyunel
Project specifications
Research includes physical testing
or observation location
Location City(s)
Main location Country
Other countries list
Denmark, Germany, Norway, Sweden
Project Abstract
Originality Declaration
Consent for Use of Materials
The project (dissertation) focuses on the relationship between a housing spatial structure unit and water management within its area. The research concentrates on two fields: HOUSING ENVIRONMENT and WATER in the HOUSING ENVIRONMENT. In the 1st area, dependencies in the structure of Bio-City - an ecological, ideological city, are explored (structural division and elementary particles - morphemes). In the 2nd area, the relations between water management and the structural (fractal) division of the Bio-City are considered. Optimal parameters of the morpheme are determined to meet inhabitants' needs, maintain favourable climatic and health conditions, and integrate water management, resulting in the model unit called Bio-Morpheme. Three Bio-Morpheme variants are tested in simulations of water savings and usage efficiency, including rainwater harvesting. Findings indicate significant water savings, with a 41% average reduction in newly designed Bio-Morphemes and 35% in revitalized ones.
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By participating in the competition, the nominator and author, in the same person, grant the Organizer a free license for 10 years to use the technical, photographic, drawing or other documentation provided by the nominator for this competition, in particular for use: (i) to judge the nomination, promoting the competition, publishing the work, evaluating the competition and announcing the results of the competition, as well as (ii) for green infrastructure advocacy.
Research details
Breef research description
Source of funding
The Research type
The Research relates to
Source of funding
education grant
Year of construction
Year of research completion
Area brutto (m2)
Research outcomes
Is the research a precursor to expected follow up research?
The research direction adopted in this work has development potential and can initiate further studies. It would be particularly appropriate to investigate variant cases of Bio-Morpheme forms, differing in location or building form, as well as various methods and technologies for wastewater treatment and reuse, to improve water use efficiency in different versions of the Bio-Morpheme.
How does the research address the issue of water stewardship?
• • Based on calculations and studies of individual water consumption indicators, it has been confirmed that in Bio-Morpheme, it is possible to optimise the use of rainwater, which will allow - in average European climatic conditions - for a reduction in tap water intake by no less than 35% per month (41% per year) for newly designed objects and by no less than 32% per month (35% per year) for revitalised objects with similar parameters, compared to classical, existing solutions, without reducing the individual amount of water (expressed in L/Mk* d) available to users (which is an indicator of the comfort of using water and sewage infrastructure). Bio-Morpheme shows high potential for minimising water intake from outside the unit. (ATTACHMENT 2 OF THE REPORT)
How does the research address the human well-being aspects of GI?
• It has been confirmed that the vast majority of surveyed potential residents of Bio-Morpheme recognise multiple benefits, both from water savings and the presence of various forms of open water and the greenery near the apartment for improving the quality and comfort of life, well-being, and health.
How does the research address the economic aspects of GI?
How does the research address the environmental sustainability aspects of GI?
• It has been found that the comprehensive use of various fractions of rainwater, including water management in a surface reservoir, enables the development of pro-health features of Bio-Morpheme, especially regarding the physical and mental health and social cohesion of its residents. • The interdependence between forms of rainwater used in Bio-Morpheme and the preferences of potential residents, which result from the need to seek well-being and comfort associated with the presence of water and the aesthetics of Bio-Morpheme, has been confirmed. • It has been confirmed that the vast majority of surveyed potential residents of Bio-Morpheme recognise multiple benefits, both from water savings and the presence of various forms of open water and the greenery near the apartment for improving the quality and comfort of life, well-being, and health.
How does the research address social aspects of GI?
The interdisciplinary work holistically integrates issues of architecture, urban planning, engineering, ecology, and environmental psychology, which is significant for the development of ecological urbanism in terms of counteracting the negative effects of climate change and ensuring the well-being of current and future city residents. The research presented in the work has shown that under conditions of decreasing water availability in the environment, it is possible to implement principles of modern water management, including the use of Blue-Green Infrastructure (BGI), in both newly designed and existing residential developments.
How does the research address the topic of biodiversity?
What types of GI multifuncionality are addressed by the nominated research?
The interdisciplinary work holistically integrates issues of architecture, urban planning, engineering, ecology, and environmental psychology, which is significant for the development of ecological urbanism in terms of counteracting the negative effects of climate change and ensuring the well-being of current and future city residents. The research presented in the work has shown that under conditions of decreasing water availability in the environment, it is possible to implement principles of modern water management, including the use of Blue-Green Infrastructure (BGI), in both newly designed and existing residential developments.
Does the research support innovation?
During interdisciplinary research, a conceptual model of an innovative housing development unit - BIO-MORFEM was created. From selected examples of the Bio-Morpheme, it has been found that there is an interdependence between the form of Bio-Morpheme - its size, building height, shape, roof and land development, as well as the associated number of apartments and residents and the possibilities of water-saving and methods of its collection and usage in the water cycle.
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